• Вани Снакс / Vani Snacks
  • Вани Снакс / Vani Snacks
  • Вани Снакс / Vani Snacks
  • Вани Снакс

Vani Snacks products

  • Вани Снакс Играчка
  • Вани Снакс Паприка
  • Вани Снакс Пица
  • Вани Снакс козметика и бижутерия за дами
  • Вани Снакс Масло
  • Вани Снакс бекон
  • Вани Снакс Изненади
  • Вани Бой
  • Вани Снакс Boys
  • Вани Снакс за момче
  • Вани Снакс Girls
  • Вани Снакс
  • Вани Снакс за момиче
  • Вани Снакс Макси Бекон
  • Вани Снакс Макси масло
  • Вани Снакс Макси Паприка
  • Вани Снакс Макси Пица

The varied world of toys in the product range of Vani Snacks

Our specialists are constantly interested in the latest fashion trends in toys. A significant part of the toys used to surprise our customers are directly imported from China, to enable the fans of the brand to be the first to experience the newest and most popular models of toys even before they appear in the mass Bulgarian market. Each toy, which the company uses for its products has proven origin and is certified according all European standards.

Our friends

Dear friends, your opinion is very important for us. We will be happy if you share with us your opinion, advice or just drop us a line. Let us together fill our album with tasty and unforgetable emotions with Vani Snacks. E-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.